Reference project
Verification of embedded software

The client contracts EXCO with the test design and test completion as well as the test management for the verification of the embedded software in a blood glucose meter.
Test design and completion of test
- Creation of test specifications for automated and manual tests
- Creation of test drivers and stubs for automated tests
- Development and operation of test environments for automated tests
- Completion of tests to accompany the development
- Completion of formal verification tests and black-box tests
- White-box tests, code reviews, statical code analysis
- Implementation and presentation of reviews
- Creation of test documentation
- Creation of error reports
Test management
- Professional project management of software verification Projects
- Planning and steering of tests
- Creation and leadership of test teams
- Selection of test media and tools
- Specification and monitoring of test documentation
- Creation of final reports
- Budget planning and Monitoring
- Deviation management
Technologies used
- HP® Quality Center
- Microsoft® Visual Studio
- NUnit Test framework
Client benefits
Reduction of costs during verification loops because of automated tests.
Manufacturer of medical devices and diagnostic equipment, Germany